A influÃncia de gerentes e lÃderes de projetos na utilizaÃÃo dos processos de planejamento e acompanhamento aderentes ao CMMI nÃvel 2




The software development is a collective, complex, and creative effort, and the software productâs quality strongly depends on people, organization, and on procedures used to build and make it available. The search for improvement process implementation and quality certifications has been growing in the last years in software development project of small, medium and large Brazilians companies. Facing the need to use software development processes, it is necessary the study of factors that may influence it. Recent researches show that the behavior and personality of individuals involved in projects influence project result or specific activities. In this research it was explored the hypothesis that personality types and team roles of professionals in the software quality area, managers and leaders are related to successful process implementation and use. The methodology consists in analyzing the relations between team behavior, personality type, and process adherence level in development software projects in the same company that has CMMI level 3 certificate. The results show that presence or absence of specific team roles and psychological types is associated positively or negatively in process implementation. This work deepens our knowledge on the human factor in team work and his personality, and how this aspects influence process implementation in software development projects


ciencia da computacao tipos de personalidade personality types processos de desenvolvimento de software team roles papÃis de equipe software development processes

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