A inclusão sócio-educacional de crianças e jovens com deficiência visual e a participação da ong instituto dos cegos da paraíba




This dissertation entitled: The Social and Educational Inclusion of Children and Young People with Visual Impairment and participation of the NGO Institute of the Blind of Paraiba, this is a survey developed in the Graduate Programs in Social Work at the Federal University of Paraíba and by objectives the analysis of social-inclusive implemented by the NGO Institute of the Blind of Paraiba, aimed at children and youth with visual impairments, from the perception of these subjects in terms of social inclusion process to which they are submitted according to the parameters of the National Education Policy inclusive. The study was premised on the analysis of public policies of assistance to young people with visual disabilities specifically developed by the government with the participation of the NGO Institute of the Blind (ICP) in completing the process of social inclusion. The references presented a discussion on the role of social organizations linked to the Third Sector, focusing on the spoken-NGO-Citizens in the perspective of solidarity, as a key agent for completion and support of public policies in view of the great challenge that is put subjects such policies as real protagonists. The social-educational activities undertaken by the NGO / ICP, the object of our investigation, we are all linked to the process of social inclusion of its users, such as education, sport, culture, facilitation of access, the poor entry to the market of work to end discrimination and the exercise of citizenship. It must be remembered that all these actions are conditions to prevent social exclusion, while effecting inclusive actions. In this sense our research contributes to the broadening of debate about the problems faced by disabled people considering the responses materialized through public policies and operated both by the public as by private non-profit organization, attention to their needs and achieving its rights.


citizen ngo educação inclusiva crianças e jovens deficientes visuais ong cidadã inclusive education servico social visually impaired children and youth

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