A imprensa conselheira : comunicação de massa, indivíduo e cotidiano / The adviser press : mass communication, individual and daily life




The intention of this work is to understand how pieces of advice, formulas and models offered by the press get into peoples daily life on the present days. These journalistic products typified by the prescriptive discourse would have the explicit purpose of teaching, guiding, directing, persuading, influencing, providing or modifying the behavioral patterns of the individuals who consume them in a situation of daily and normality experience. The phenomenas aspects are considered face to a broad social-historical context understood as an ideal-typical daily life of the individuals whose experiences are partially substantial mediated. On this situation, the advisory press products concern a map which can be used by the reader to achieve an operational knowledge of daily reality and about oneself and also a social imaginary narratives repertoire that plays the role of the present day search of happiness through mass communication. The material used at his work is composed by magazine articles and readers letters published at the magazines Claudia, Playboy and Veja. The theoretical referential tries to cope with getting the multiple dimensions of the advisory press, permitting its approach through a double key: as a source of symbolical resources which can be used by daily individuals at the process of daily reality construction and also like a set of narratives gathered around an idea of a soluble feeling sick overcame by the mandatory search of happiness


magazine press mass communication felicidade comunicacao subjetividade revista comunicação de massa imprensa

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