A importância da utilização de indicadores econômico-financeiros para análise de desempenho das companhias seguradoras brasileiras


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research shows collected data through the distribution of research questionnaire about the applicability and the importance of indicators economic-financial analysis in Insurance Companies, it also presents details that researchers developed about the subject. The research proposes some indicators economic-financial that can be make use in the process valuation of Insurance Company. The subject will present the history of the insurance, the Brazilian Market Insurance, the regulating government departments; it will demonstrate the national market in relation with the world wide; the basics concepts and technical of yours operations. It showed the particularly accounting area and the relationship with the too much members of the insurance market. The developed of the subject were through research based on bibliographical and government law for the insurance market. The empirical research was effected through the application of the research questionnaire, it aim to analyze the importance and the applicability of indicators economic-financial for the analysis of performance.


seguros - desempenho - aspectos econômicos ciencias contabeis insurance - performance

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