Inflação nos instrumentos econômico-financeiros


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is a contribution to the study of the inflationary effects on the economic and financial tools, here defined as the set formed by the financial statements, financial analysis and budget. Its main objective is to examine the effects caused by inflation on the economic and financial tools as well as the ways of correction used by finance managers to minimize such distortions. Thus, four steps are developed to attain this objective: the first one consists of a survey to find out the points in the economic and financial tools where the inflationary bias is most significant; the second step is an approach to the basic ways of correcting the financial statements, such as accounting for changes in the general pricelevel, accounting for changes in specific prices and the integrated method, and their consequences on the financial analysis and budget; in the third one, a field research is developed with the purpose of finding out if the finance manager recognizes the inflationary effects as well as the ways of correction used by him; the last step comprises the conclusions about the subject, where it is also proposed the adoption of an accounting method and its implementation in Brazil. As for the conclusions, it must be emphasized that, by causing biases on financial statements, inflation distorts the financial analysis as well as the budget. It is also highlighted that finance managers recognized such effects, but the corrections they do to minimize this bias are naive, and the existing accounting for inflation methods are not employed. It must be added that the meaning of the monetarv correction result, in spite of the time lag this process is being used, is still unknown by the majority of these managers. As a result, it was verified that finacial analysis is becoming a tool on which it is deposited a decreasing degree of confidence. Finally, it is expected that this dissertation, more than an approach to the inflationary effects on the economic and financial tools, be an awareness toward the necessity of developing a finance theory that effectively corisiders the inflation effects and that may also be used by brazilian finance managers.


inflação : brasil

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