A imagem no ensino de geografia : a pratica dos professores da rede publica estadual de Ponta Grossa, Parana




The procedures adopted by Geography teachers when using conventional photographs, aerial photos and satellite images in their lessons were investigated focusing classes taught to fundamentallevel students by Geography teachers in the Ponta Grossa municipality, Paraná state, Brazil. The research was based on the principIe that the visuallanguage enables the development of notions and concepts about the geographic space and has fundamental importance for the communicative process and knowledge production of this science. The data was collected by questionnaires that allowed to know the opinion of the teachers on the leaming process and the interest of the students in activities involving images. They also allowed to identify difficulties to organize the activities, the degree of use of images from didactic books, the students aptitude in front of the images as well as the evaluation of the teachers for these procedures after the classes. It was possible to determine that the images were used by teachers as a resource, in their classes, to illustrate the subjects. All the teachers asked in this work use conventional photographs as a means to study the landscape. Aerial photos are studied for photo-identification mainly to recognize the geographic elements and also as primary sources in order to make maps. The satellite images are less used, mainly in order to show the cartographic development and to put students in contact with advanced methods for studying the space. Teachers ascribe pedagogical and epistemological value to the different kinds of images, not only to teach geographical concepts but also to motivate the students. Some guidelines are suggested to extend a pedagogical work with students: to build the concept of geographicallandscape in studies focusing images; to develop the image conception as a language; to explore the characteristics of the different meanings in one image and the subjectivity it causes; to enhance the individual expression of the students; to integrate different languages, techniques and methods when working with images. These proposals may help to enlarge the functions ascribed to the image in the pedagogical work


imagens geografia ensino de primeiro grau imagens fotograficas

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