A formação docente em educação infantil no tatame educacional: ouvindo professoras do município de Jandira (sp) sobre a formação continuada




The purpose of this research was to listen to pre-school teachers of the city of Jandira (São Paulo State) on how they perceive the practice of the continued formation. Therefore, our object of study is consisted by the "voice" of the teachers, the research subjects in accordance with the demarcation needed: teachers who participated in the two main in-service training programs offered by SMEJ in the period 2003-2008, taking also into account other criteria justified at the paper. The research was conducted mainly by the analysis of seven semi-structured interviews with teachers, mediated by the theory in the area. The theoretical base has focused on Brazilian historical conceptions of two axes of work: Early Childhood Education and Continuing Education. Beyond these steps, we researched documents of SMEJ, collected testimony from teachers and residents to survey the historical data on education in the city and dialogued with managers and professionals who participated as trainers of these programs. Our main objective was to contribute to the reflection on the continuing education of Early Childhood Education teachers, specifically in the city of Jandira, and within this proposal, the voice of the teachers revealed that the programs did not consider the particularities of Childhood Education and contributed little on the reflection-criticism of the teaching practice. The testimonies of the teachers also confirmed what the field research point about inadequacy of teacher training and no account to specifics of Early Childhood Education, strengthening and expanding them.


reflexão-crítica voz docente. voice teacher. educacao reflection-criticism early childhood education formação continuada continuing education educação infantil

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