A formação do medico homeopata na faculdade de medicina de Jundiai : uma pratica de ensino no SUS




Historical, cultural and socio-economical aspects are determinants of a society?s standards in all areas. Medicine has also been modeled by these factors, and has been led into medical specializations, which strongly depend on advanced technology for diagnosis and treatment. As a result of this, there has been a medical knowledge fragmentation, loss of holistic perception of patient, as well as increased cost of medical service. With a wholesome approach in mind and in an attempt to supply quality medical service at a lower cost, WHO in 2002, has proposed implementation of CAM ( Complementary Alternative Medicine) in public health care up to 2005. Medical school content has also been remodeled and, in 2001, Curriculum Guidelines recommended that medical education should be oriented towards SUS and in practice at SUS (Sistema Único de Saúde) - Public Health Care -, with emphasis on the formation of generalist physicians. In the meantime, directors of SUS and organized society (city representatives) met at National Health Conferences and requested CAM for public health service. This is precisely the context for Homeopathic Medicine, whose fundamental doctrine is the human being as a whole, individualizing disease, diagnosis and medication. It?s been recognized as a medical specialization since 1980, with service code at SIA-SUS (Sistema de Informação e Atendimento do SUS), although it hasn?t as of yet neither been institutionalized nor officialized at medical schools. Incidentally, in 2003, the ?Curso de Pós-Graduação em Homeopatia latu-sensu? (Post Graduation Course in Homeopathy - lato-sensu), oriented toward teaching in practice, rendering health service to SUS patients was introduced at FMJ (Faculdade de Medicina de Jundiaí - Medical School in Jundiaí, SP). Such leading edge in the Homeopathic teaching model in Brazil has been the justification and motive for this research, which aims at analyzing the formation of the homeopathic physicians attending this course. Based on the perceptions and perspectives of involved subjects, the following aspects have been considered: changes in practice and behavior of students; patients? viewpoint on homeopathy and treatment; reasons why some students dropped the course; viewpoint of health professionals on Homeopathy and medical service provided; professors? reason for development of such specialization; School Council?s and Principal?s assessments on Homeopathy and their reasons for approving the course. Case study method and qualitative methodology, based on phenomenology, have been applied in this research. Techniques used in the investigation of subjects: semi-structured questionnaires with students, patients, professors and College Council; semi-structured questionnaires, on the phone, with drop out students; administrative clerks took part in a group, adapted from focal group technique; and School Principal was interviewed. Results have been organized according to categories of analysis: a) Knowledge and contact with Homeopathy b) Homeopathy as a new study paradigm and homeopathic care for SUS patients; c) overall course structure. Final considerations point to the feasibility of the teaching of Homeopathy in Graduate Courses with pedagogical-clinic practice oriented toward SUS, and also the feasibility of universalization of Homeopathic Medicine practice at SUS, due to the overall satisfaction of all subjects involved in this research


medicina alternativa homeopatia ensino pesquisa qualitativa

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