A formação continuada do professor da educação de jovens e adultos do CEEBJA Paschoal Salles Rosa no Município de Ponta Grossa




The present work is compounded of a qualitative research of interpretative incuse, through which we have collected data along with the teachers of the state schools working in the modality of Education for young adults and adults EJA- Final grades of the 1st Segment, surveying the initial and continued formation of these teachers, since there is a lack of researches about this formation. Using this perspective, we have proceeded a historical and theoretical construction about the education of young adults and adult ones in Brazil and in Paraná state. We have analyzed the present governmental policies for the Brazilian education and its implications in the political and pedagogical fields in the teachers formation, trying to relate them to the governmental goals and to the guidance of the international encouragement agencies. We have surveyed the main representatives of the reflexive formation through which the teacher becomes a self-constructor in the formation process, becoming reflexive professionals of their own practices and not a consumer of theories elaborated by other professionals. The field research has been made in the State Center of Basic Education for Young Adults and Adults CEEBJA. As an instrument to collect data we have made interviews with the board of teachers from the studied institution as well as with the principal of CEEBJA. The obtained results revealed that the initial formation is not enough for that modality of teaching, because in the Centers of Formation and at the local University, there are no specific subject for the formation of teachers in this modality of teaching, besides it encourages a frail formation which has as priority the theory in place of the practice. The continued formation partially contributes for this formation, not being enough to cause a significant change in the practices of teachers inside the classroom. The growing search for the courses by young adults and adults, due to the need of certificates, or to ingress into the work market reveals the need of education imposed by the new technological demands due to the government actions and the changes in the economical structure in the society. We have proved thus, that the teachers need to adequate themselves to such changes in order to provide the students with education of real quality, preparing them in an integral and wide way, so they can get into the work market as well as exercise better their citizen role.


education of young adults and adults política educacional continued formation formação continuada formation of teachers educacao educação de jovens e adultos formação de professores educational policy

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