A expansão das Igrejas Pentecostais em Indianópolis MG e as transformações das práticas culturais e religiosas




The broad objective of this research is to comprehend the traditions, customs and the culture of the farmers of the municipal district of Indianópolis, as well as the region in which it is located; The Triângulo Mineiro. The approach adopted, specifically focused on understanding how the culture and the religious beliefs of the farmers of Indianópolis have changed, due to the process of economic modernization which is occurring in Brazil and in the world. The modernization of the Brazilian economy, which is accelerated by globalization, has dismantled the traditional national productive systems, chiefly in the Cerrado Biome, consequently triggering profound cultural and religious transformations in municipal and in the city of Indianópolis, chiefly since the 1970s. The research basically focused on analyzing how cultural and religious practices have changed over time, as a result of the advance of capitalism, in addition to examining the modernization of agriculture in the region, direct result of the implementation of modern agricultural technologies. Furthermore, the research also analyzed the spatial transformations which occurred in the city of Indianópolis, owing to faith becoming spatial. Finally, it discusses the expansion, performance, organization, and expansion strategy of Indianópolis Municipalitys Pentecostal churches Christian Congregation of Brazil and Assembly of God , over the last decades of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty-first century, while taking into account that the municipality of Indianópolis was initially, essentially catholic.


tradição religião e geografia tradition geografia modernização culture modernition cultura religião igrejas pentecostais - indianópolis (mg) religion

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