A evolução de possiveis em crianças surdas




This study investigated the interference of sensorial auditive deprivation on the mental function in respect to regulations and inferential coordenations, evaluated by scholarity and age, comparing the constructive process of the "possibles" between deaf and hearing children. 20 highly-deaf children, aged between 7 to 10 years, studying at a special school, and 63 normal children, aged from 7 to 9 years, studying at a regular school, in the same city, of both sexes, and medium socioeconomic leveI. The tasks used were the following: the possible forms of a partialy hidden object, a deductible possible, and the construction of equidistance, classifying the subjects by classical piagetian criteria. To analyze the cue of criative tendence and temporal duration of performance we created our own criteria. The results showed about 2 or 3 years of temporal displacement, compared to the cognitive development of hearing children. In the evolutive sequence of the formation of the possibles equal order of appearence of novelty creation in both groups was verified. Nevertheless, since levei two of scholarity differences between groups were observed. The deaf s tendency were to remain more analogical than hearing children, which showed a normal evolutional process, presenting co-possibles. The time spended on the tasks by deaf children lasted twice as long


criatividade surdos - educação cognitive development creativity crianças surdas desenvolvimento cognitivo deaf children deaf

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