A evolução das organizações de apoio às entidades sindicais brasileiras: um estudo sob a lente da aprendizagem organizacional / The evolution of the organizations that support Brazilian unions: a study under the organizational learning point of view




The main target of this study was to use the organizational learning approach to analyze whether the changes that took place regarding labor relationships affected organizations that supported unions, causing new competencies and creating organizational learning processes. The thesis was especially interested in collective bargaining and union activities during the 90?s. The thesis intended to get these following specific targets: to identify, under Mills? concept, the organizational competencies before the 90?s; the organizational competencies demanded by these organizations from the first half of the 90?s; what the unions noticed about the organizational learning processes after 1994 in Brazil; how the organizational net formed through these organizational learning processes affected the other net partners; finally, to describe the organizational historic reports about the 90?s to design the study context. Regarding the theoretical point of view, two starting points were considered: the organizational learning (including also the economic elements of the discussion about knowledge and learning), labor relations (from where the contextual elements of the organizational enviroment were taken). Regarding organizational learning, some aspects about organizational competencies and, more deeply, about the organizational learning itself were studied. As for this point, theoretical discussion was focused on the compilation works and the several tendencies identified by them. The theoretical approach was based on social constructionist interpretativism. The empiric research covered two important supportive union organizations in the Brazilian union movement as of in 1990. The research was qualitative, descriptive and obtained data from documents, bibliographie analyzis and semi-structured interviews. The research showed that both organizations experienced important organizational learning processes new competencies were developed on these processes. Among these competencies, the relationship competencies, responsible for the nets?union knowledge that allowed the introduction of innovation inside the two studied organizations, as well as the system of national innovation.


labor relations aprendizagem organizacional relações de trabalho organizational learning unions sindicatos

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