A escuta do corpo : abordagem da sistematização da tecnica Klauss Vianna / Listening to one s body : an approach to Klauss Vianna s technique systematization




This work is based on the principies developed by the professor and researcher Klauss Vianna (1928-1992), who dedicated approximately forty years of his life to a work of obssrvationand research on body structures and human movement, later systematized by his son Rainer Vianna (1958-1995) and his daughter-in law, Neide Neves, resulting in today s known Klauss Vianna s Technique. This dissertation approaches the systematization of Klauss Vianna s Technique, explaining its didactic process and the creation of the "Seated Body" choreography as a conclusive application of the research. The mainobjective of this work is to contribute to the understanding and acknowledgement of Klauss Vianna s Technique, with the presentation of its didactic structuring and the study of the corporal topics worked out in daily classroom practices


body movimento motion dança - tecnica arte e dança art and dance dance research dança - pesquisa corpo dance technique

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