A escolarização dos conteúdos imagéticos da biologia: um estudo das práticas de construção e execução de aulas pelo professor de biologia




This investigation aims to understand role of the teacher on the schools practices of transmission of the biological sciences images contents inside the classrooms. For this were identified and described teacher practices in the class, the functions developed by biological images in class and the characteristics that become different in the image when this is dislocated of its original context to be used in high school classrooms. This theory has as objective understands the school practices of transmission of the imaginect knowledge of the biological sciences inside biology classroom. For so they were identified and described the teacher s practices in classroom, the functions carried out by images of the biology in classroom and the characteristics that differed in the image when this is moved of his/her original context, to be used in high school classrooms. The collection of data involved: filming of biology classes in the a public high school, for seven months; copy of material published / written in books, notebooks and websites that circulated at the classroom during the observation period and interviews with the observed teacher. The methodology used for discussion of the data was analysis of the speech and semiotics analysis of the text-image published / written and of others imagistic representations that appear related to the worked contents. In this investigation were central the theoretical studies of Basil Bernstein, Lemke, Kress and van Leeuween, Santaella, Baktin and Mayr. For more detailed analysis two episodes were selected, one involving one genetic teaching and other involving evolution, that were classified by us, respectively, as analytical-argumentative approaches and narrative. It also proceeded to the identification and categorization of the pedagogic functions exercised by the scholarized images in all the practices observed. The results show us that education is a complex process that happens in stages, not clearly demarcated, that involves agents of the field of the symbolic control (Bernstein,1996), that selects knowledge modifying the images that represent them, in their physical and functional characteristics. They stay, in the educated images, the arbitrary and abstract codes of the academic biology, whose decoding key is established by the teacher, through the use of different semiotic resources, simultaneously: the gestual, the pictorial and the verbal, having the blackboard as main material resource. The teacher also uses examples of his/her own life experience to contextualize some concepts and codes. However, there can be reproduction in very abstract ways of code, without contextualization. We suppose that the use of different types of semiotics resources to express the same meaning, by the teacher, happens as a consequence of the students doubts and of their difficulty in understanding some concepts. The teacher looks for the keys of the codes in text books mainly, but also in sites of the internet, both agencies of popularization of the codes widely. The impression of the images in the books seems to be guided by the anticipation of the reader s profile. The absence of explanatory texts in relation to the forms of uses of the image indicates that there is an expectation on the teacher s action between it and the reading of the book by the adolescents. We conclude for the need of a teachers graduation that leads to conceptual understanding of the images that they transmit and to discuss the use of the images in classrooms.


biologia estudo e ensino. educação teses. pratica de ensino. professores formação.

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