A eficacia dos conselhos gestores : estudo de caso do conselho municipal de desenvolvimento rural de Campinas - SP




The process of descentralization of attributions and responsibilities of the federal Administration to the other spheres of the govemment occurred in Brazil in concomitance with the struggle for democratization, whose objectives were to magnify popular participation in public affairs and in the citizenship of the country. For this reason, many authors and social actors involved in this process had believed that the decentralization was a synonymous of democratization, associating the efficiency of the Managing Council of Public Politics with the ideals of the country s democratization project. In other words, they had attributed the failure or the success of the Managing Council to the fulfilment of their mission in the country s democratization project, and not to the fulfilment of the objectives prioritized by the council members, confusing, thus, effectiveness with efficiency. This mistak.e led the authors to frustrated expectations, because the mission, the purpose defined by the democratic project for the managing Council was not reached in the great majority of the cases. Therefore, they were atributed a low a effeciency, when in the truth it was a low effectiveness (with little or no transfonnation of the reality in which the Council set its works). When one intends to analize the effectiveness of an organization, it is necessary to know the objectives that it has aimed and the results reached, considering theses objectives. On this analizis of the effeciency of the City Council of Rural Development (CMDR) of Campinas, the objectives identified were the ones that had been defined by the council members who formed the board in the studied administration, and not by the social movementes involved in the struggle for democratization or the political groups that had elaborated the state s descentalization policies among its different areas. These objectives would be nedded for an effectivenes analizys, and not for an efficiency study. Under this perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the effeciency of the CMDR, based not in expectations. In this sense, the effeciency is evaluated in relation to the results reached considering the objectives pursued by the administration in study. To accomplish the goal of this work, besides the bibliographical revision, 2 questionnaires were made to the council members of the CMDR, with the means to identify which human resources (qualification, partners, profile of the council members, composition and paper that they play in the CMDR), financial resources (existences of resources for the accomplishment of works, act of contract of external assessorships and accomplishment of courses and seminaries) and materials (adequate infrastructure) were available, how they were used to reach the objectives, and if its priorities in the current management have been reached. On the analysis of the gathered data, wich reflected the perception of the council members, it can be said that the current management of the City Council of Agricultural Development of Campinas achieved a good resuIt in its quest for the prioritized objectives. Among four of these, informally, in the conception of the council members, one was fully reached: to tum municipal the House of Agriculture. Two were partially reached: the implantation of the State program of Microbacias and Melhoria of Agricultural Roads. Only one of them remained in its implantation phase: the improvement of the Security in the agricultural area of the City.


public administration municipal managing council shared management sociologia rural planejamento municipal participação popular city councils of agricultural development popular participation politicas publicas

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