A educação para conservação do ambiente na Area de Proteção Ambiental da região de Sousas e Joaquim Egidio, Campinas, SP




This dissertation explores educational possibilities, addressed to local environmental problems, with the purpose of making teachers ITom schools in the Environrnental Protection Area - EP A of Sousas and Joaquim Egídio aware of its environrnental richness and complexity. The widening of critical spirit and citizenship by the local community is a specific objective. The research tried to develop environmental conservation postures among teachers, and, eventually, students and their relatives. Against destruction, the territory of the EP A, located at northeastem Campinas, has natural and cultural characteristics that deserve protection. The EP A is an exceptional place for education and environment conservation activities, here understood as a synonym of environrnental education . It is an alive laboratory that allows one to visit different echosystems that can be studied. Both formal and non-formal educational processes have been considered. The approach involved a survey on the reality of the schools, on teacher daily activities, as well as on motivation for local environmental questions. At the same time, specific information about the EP A, the management plan and the environrnental legislation was made available to the participant teachers. A better professional performance of the teachers was stimulated by the identification of new general themes of interest. The selected themes are related to: (1) geology and physiography of the region; (2) historic formation; (3) water, pollution and flooding; (4) vegetation cover. AlI themes include suggestions of activities with students, giving emphasis to field practice (environrnental studies). The work allows to conclude that an educational process addressed to the environment preservation is fundamental. Formal and non-formal educational activities are thus essential for the definition of such an EP A. It is clear that the community participation is slow and gradual, however, it leads to a consciousness where Education can be the best way to reach the purpose


conservação da natureza educação ambiental - estudo e ensino proteção ambiental

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