A educação Mexica: o papel das escolas oficiais no controle e organização da sociedade / The Mexica Education: the role of public schools in the control and organization of society


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work presents the results of a systematic analysis of data concerning the official mexica educational institutions in the context of the Triple Aliance´s political hegemony established by the governing powers of Mexico-Tenochtitlan, Texcoco and Tacuba. The temple-schools administrated by the mexica were mainly responsible for transmitting the military and religious precepts in order to prepare individuals for state matters and official duties. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the fundamental importance of the educational system in mexica\ s social and political organization. The institutions known as the mexica temple-schools are viewed here as common ground in which perpassed religious, military and economical activities. The research was based upon the comparative analysis of XVI century chronicles, pictorial manuscripts and archaeological evidence.


educação education mesoamerica mesoamérica mexica mexica politc político ritual ritual

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