A Educação Física no contexto da nova estrutura do ensino fundamental : uma proposta para o primeiro ano / Physical Education in the new structure of the elementary school : a proposal for the first grade




Recent Brazilian political economical actions with the solidification of the democratization of the access to the public education and the increase of the global population scholarity level modified the Brazilian Educational Systemstructure. The law 11.274/2006 establish the elementary school in Brazil for nine years, starting it around six years old. This new configuration implicate a global restructuration of pedagogical practices of the Elementary School directed to the childhood with a need of a job with individualized and adequate characteristics with an own politicalpedagogical project, that recognizes the childlike nature its specifities and your peculiar way of learn and interpret the preponderant world through the ludic action. So, our research worries consisted in reflect about questions of the expansion of the Elementary School to nine years old and about pedagogical actions directed to the childhood, mainly in this context through bibliographical research concerning to the theme; and also provide a curriculum to the Physical Education of the first grade on this new structure that ensure to the students the critical appropriations of the components of the body culture and the deal of the ludic action as dimension of the culture and constituent part of the knowledge and the human formation specially n childhood


currículos infância ensino fundamental - brasil educação fisica (pre-escolar) elementary school physical education (pre-school) curriculum childhood

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