A distribuiÃÃo das informaÃÃes em notÃcias: um estudo comparativo / The distribution of information in news: a comparative study


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research focused on the analysis on how specific communicative purposes contribute to possible differentiations in distributing information in news about business, sports, police and politics. Based on Swalesâs (1990, 2004) theoretical and methodological model of genre analysis â the model CARS â, we analyzed the news in these four different themes. It allowed us to present four purposes of rhetoric organization for this genre. In three of them, we checked informational peculiarities that we relate to their specific communicative purposes. Besides these peculiarities, these four themes presented similar information units. These similarities led us to suggest a proposal of organizing the information to the genre news that could represent all the analyzed themes. We could also verify that the genre news did not lose its generic feature despite the peculiarities observed in each theme.


linguistica notÃcias propÃsito comunicativo organizaÃÃo retÃrica news communicative purpose rhetoric organization reportagens e repÃrteres - brasil anÃlise do discurso narrativo anÃlise linguÃstica

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