A disseminação de informações estatísticas na web: da difusão à divulgação / Dissemination of Statistical Information in the Web: diffusion to spreading




It verifies how the official Institutions of statistics information deal with the dissemination in a new media, observing how they show the information on the WEB. The treatment, the dissemination form / way and the access to the information to statistical sites are analyzed to establish relations between the information structures form, the language form, the site navigation and the use of Web tools to create the contexts of agreement of the information. Remark how the new interfaces created on the statistical sites guarantee the information dissemination for the diverse segments of the public use, from the Vogts concept (2003) in Spiral of the Scientific Culture, and has as objective to verify, assuming the culture for science, how the propagated information reach the involved actors on the statistical information dissemination process The governmental official institutions Web sites, nationals or internationals, responsible or participant of national systems of demographic and social-economics statisticians had been considered which we select: the (IBGE) Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics site ( Brazil), the (INE) National Statistics Institute site (Portugal) and the (INEGI) National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Computer Science (Mexico). For the comment, we even could notice that Web makes use of only resources for the diffusion and spreading of the scientific knowledge, however much of the diffusion and the spreading mainly demands the comment of the language questions. Interesting examples had been found in the observed sites, detaching the resources of the data context, the use of the language and significant icons and the association of the information by links.


information architecture statistics information sites disseminação da informação sites de informação estatística statistics information difusão da informação informação estatística divulgação da informação arquitetura da informação information dissemination

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