A crise da masculinidade nas dramaturgias de Nelson Rodrigues, PlÃnio Marcos e Newton Moreno




Starting from the hypothesis that literature corresponds to a discourse which is part of a cultural context, hence ideologically marked, we aim to investigate how the Brazilian theatre, from Nelson Rodrigues on, expresses signs of a crisis in the hegemonic male values. The modern myth of masculinity is studied by the analysis of the works of three playwrights of considerable importance in the modern and contemporary Brazilian dramaturgy: Nelson Rodrigues, PlÃnio Marcos and Newton Moreno. The research corpus is composed of six plays: Perdoa-me por me traÃres (1957) and O beijo no asfalto (1961), by Nelson Rodrigues; Dois perdidos numa noite suja (1966) and Navalha na carne (1967), by PlÃnio Marcos; Dentro (2002) and Agreste (2004), by Newton Moreno. The main objective was to characterize the way how each author deals with the male characters or the male discourse in their plays, so as to deduce an array of values concerning the issue of masculinity. Some other more specific objectives also guided the investigation, such as: to identify which discourse resources, present in those dramaturgies, contribute to create male alteraties; to interpret how these alteraties corroborate the crisis of the male referents; to investigate which possible relations can be pointed out between the dramaturgic form and the theme addressed. To do so, we used some of the methodological orientations of the Critical Analysis of the Literary Discourse, based, mainly, on Fairclough (2001), to achieve a critical approach to the discourse, which made us intervene in the linguistic and aesthetic materiality of the texts, without losing sight of the objectives and aims which make our research an investigation of the political character of the Brazilian dramaturgic production; and on Bakhtin (1981a), for the considerations about the literary art. We show that the plays by Nelson Rodrigues, PlÃnio Marcos and Newton Moreno, besides bringing formal innovations, addressed themes which pertain to the contemporary man, offering a lucid conception of the post-II World War reality and its contradictions. We have concluded that the male discourse in those dramaturgies converges to the idea that the man, as part of the contemporary world, comes across situations and types of social relations which do not agree anymore with the reference he had of his own image as a male - the bourgeois belief system


discurso masculinity aesthetics masculinidade dramaturgy estÃtica discourse dramaturgia teoria literaria

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