A criança na Revista de Psicologia Normal e Patológica do Instituto de Psicologia da PUCSP (1955-1973): um estudo sobre "ajustamento/desajustamento" / The child in Revista de Psicologia Normal e Patológica do Instituto de Psicologia of PUCSP (1955-1973): a study about adjustment/maladjustment




The objective of this research was to analyze the studies on the problems of adjustment/maladjustment in children in texts published in Revista de Psicologia Normal e Patológica (Journal of Normal and Pathological Psychology) - RPNP from the Institute of Psychology of PUC-SP - IPPUCSP (1955-1973). Based on the perspective of cultural history, 25 articles were analyzed regarding adjustment/maladjustment in children found in RPNP (1955-1973). Identified were (1) four types of maladjustment (physical, scholastic, emotional problems and delinquency) related to their determining factors (family, school, child intrinsic and environmental factors); (2) formulations of diagnosis and proposed solutions; (3) different ways of seeing the child, the family and the school, as well as the conceptions that arose in regard to maladjustment. Thereafter, three explanatory models of maladjustment were identified: the medical-affectionate-social, the psychosocial model and the dialectical model. The first one emphasizes the role of the family, based on the notion of affection for the production of maladjustments; the second inserts social elements in explanations of maladjustment, such as prejudice and socioeconomic problems; the third model gives emphasis to the relational character in the quest to understand children in their multi-determinations. It was noticed the raise of conceptions about adjustment/maladjustment and child that consider the interaction between individual-social, taking into account the role of the other (family, school and the wider social environment) in children s development and production of adjustment/ maladjustment. Such analysis models showed that during the period studied (1955-1973), there were already notions which covered the relational dimension of the maladjustment, whereas the socio-cultural factors work in a dynamic relationship between the child and the environment


família e escola children ajustamento/desajustamento history of educational psychology psicologia educacional ajustamento (psicologia) family and school criancas -- conduta história da psicologia educacional adjustment/maladjustment psicologia infantil

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