A criação de um ambiente de aprendizagem contextualizado baseado no computador, para a formação de recursos humanos em empresas enxutas




The production paradigm originated in Toyota Motor Company, known as Lean Production, defines a new scenario in the workplace and demands a new professional profile, where intellectual characteristics are demanded and valued, such as: the capacity to solve problems, creativity, collaborative participation and learning capacity. In this context, companies look for ways to educate professionals not only how to do tasks, but also to understand what they are doing. The constructionist approach is shown as an alternative because it allows the worker to develop abilities with the description and solution of problems, but also to reflect and to debug the obtained results. In this way, this research investigates the creation of an organizational learning environment, based on the use of the computer with a constructionist approach, for the education and evaluation of workers in production /ines in a Lean company. The results with the creation of a constructionist learning environment showed important contributions to the workers learning, favoring individual progress and also reflected expressively on the company s operational results. The evaluation did not just consider the cognitive aspects but also the procedural aspects, the performance and the affective and emotional ones


formação profissional jogos aprendizagem - avaliação aprendizagem industrial cultura organizacional

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