A convenção sobre diversidade biológica e o princípio da soberania nacional / A convenção sobre diversidade biológica e o princípio da soberania nacional




This dissertation studies the concept of sovereignty in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CDB, 1992). The starting point is the analysis of the concept of sovereignty. This concept is examined since its first formulation in the XVI centaury to present days, where the sovereignty of the Nation-States is thought to have acquired new characteristics, distancing itself from the traditional notion of absolute power. The CBD recognizes that states are sovereign to explore the natural resources inside their boundaries, among these its biodiversity, but imposes limitations to these rights and establish legal obligations. The sovereign power must be exercised with responsibility and in a cooperative way, because it is not accepted that the exploration of its natural resources by one State may cause harm to another. In other words, the emerging concept embodies a progressive advance of the objective responsibility of the States.


diversidade biológica - brasil - tratados convenção sobre diversidade biológica soberania direito international environmental law convention on biological diversity sovereignty direito ambiental internacional

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