A contribuição da educação profissional para a inserção dos alunos no mercado de trabalho da microrregião do extremo sul Catarinense : caso IFET Campus Sombrio




This study is a follow up of agricultural vocational of the vocational technical to the integration of the course technical graduates of the Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia Catarinense Campus Sombrio IFET, in the labor market of the Deep South of Santa Catarina microregion; because the region has its economy based on agriculture. The theoretical referential contemplated theory about the labor and labor market, youthful market work, about agricultural professional education in Brazil, more specifically in santa Catarina; as well as caracterization of the IFET and yours attributions. Based on the referential, the stydy intentend to describe and analyze the situation current of the graduates in relation to the work market, the presented reasons for the students to your integration or not and the presented reasons for the entrepreneurs to the integration or not f the students graduates in the work market and your relation with the received formation. To understand this integration one became necessary hear the leaders of the five largest companies in the agricultural sector in the region , as well as of course agricultural graduates of the Institute, as much the ones that work in this companies in its area of the formation, like also those that today develop other service. The research is a amount and quality study. A result was gotten of 33 received questionnaires and also had been interviewed 05 leaders of the 05 companies in the region. For the analysis the results it was used the thechnic of subject analysis. The results disclose the big importance of the contribution of the education technician-agriculturist for the microregion; however the Instituation must search o formation that promotes the separation between theory and practical. Also verified that this integration could be more dynamic, if the Institution was more next of the companies and the community, because it would allow a bigger understanding of the reality where it is inserted.


educação profissional ensino agrícola formação profissional juventude educacao vocational technical agricultural education vocation training employment

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