A contribuição da bioética para a formação dos profissionais da saúde de odontologia / The contribution of bioethics in humanistic training of health professionals of dentistry




The fast scientific development has brought ethnic questionnaires of difficult resolution. Besides that, the prestigious given to technology and to the experimentals sciences comes superimposing over the human sciences, having as a result of this imbalance of values for the inhumanization of professionals of health. Taking in consideration that the process of professional education of graduated influences in their attitudes and the posture front their profession, this study tried to high light the contribution of bioethics in humanist education of the professional of health of dentistry. It related the role of the teachers in graduation of values of their students, the crises of values in what we find ourselves, the government and institutional initiatives to get better the new academic model of college education and the tools brought by Bioethics to possibility the change of paradigm in professional of health education. It concludes that, even though the ethnic scenery showed in IES, eventually , does not represent totally favorable for the humanistic education, we consider positive the resumption of the ethic reflection, independent how it is made. The resumption of reflection means that people are not worrying just with the specific issues , centered self, but with the best life conditions in a general way. The presence of Bioethics favors the reflection about dilemmas of ethic hallmark about human life, allowing the dialogue among people that follow divergent thoughts. The inclusion of the subject of Bioethics at FOUSP, represents an important step for the change of paradigms about the value of dignity of the other and the self.


dentistry ensino odontologia bioética teaching bioethcs

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