A construção de conhecimento em dispositivos midiáticos: investigação em escolas públicas




We search the relations between the fields of communication and education in a perspective of mediatic processes. For this, first, we contextualize the subject, grouping the contributions from the communication academic field developed about this interface. At a second moment, we search for theoretical formularization that give support to our axle of problem and that can be briefed in the following question: how the knowledge is produced by media, considering its own place and not in school institution, which is the basic space for learning in society? To operate the relations between these fields, we mobilize the concept of devices, on a triadic perspective - interaction, language and technology. This angle is articulated with other theoretical contributions such as the concepts of belief, habitus, reproduction, distinction, agenda setting and protagonism. The theoretical construct produced in a descending and ascending dialectic process (or, between deductive and inductive processes, with diverse levels of reworks) allowed us to deal with heterogeneity of schools, from the circumstantial detailing subjects, to understand rationalities of the mediatic processes that cross the school institution, producing a singular form of social knowledge. The empirical was researched through diverse techniques of datas collection, like observation, description and interview, always making the movement of dialogue between theory and corpus, or data and the theoretical perspectives. From dialogue, we construct descriptive categories, from which we developed analytical relations. These analyses return to the basic theoretical reflections of our investigation, admiting some reflexive tensions - or a renewed and productive look, for new researches


processo midiático educação meio rádio escola interface mídia televisão media process internet media device influência comunicacao

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