A construção conjunta de objetos de discurso : a experiencia do Centro de Convivencia de Afasicos no processo de elaboração do livro "Sobre as afasias e os afasicos" / The joint building of objets de discours : the experience of an Aphasic Social Centre in the elaboration of the book "About aphasia and aphasics"




This thesis analyses the interactive and discursive movements of the act of referencing in the building of objets de discours. Taking as the enunciative setting the discourse space at the .Centro de Convivência de Afásicos (CCA) do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem da Unicamp. (Aphasic Social Centre of the Language Studies Institute of Unicamp) and its participants . aphasics and non-aphasics . engaged in the project of joint elaboration of the book Sobre as afasias e os afásicos . subsídios teóricos e práticos elaborados pelo Centro de Convivência de Afásicos (About Aphasics and Aphasia . theoretical allowances and practices elaborated by the Aphasic Social Centre) this thesis discusses the process by which this book, as a discourse builder, is capable of showing the spectacular diversity of opinions surrounding initially fluid concepts . aphasia, cure, prevention etc. . that are being bargained and built in the interaction that shares enunciative positions and mutual adjustments in meaning. In this process of discursive building of the book, the objets du discours are not seen as having a speculative relationship with worldly objects . .objets du monde


aphasics referencia (linguistica) language aphasia interaction reference (linguistics) interação neurolinguistica afasicos - linguagem afasia

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