A Constituição domada : democracia e o conselho de comunicação social




The thesis tells a history of the chapter on social communication of the Brazilian Constitution of 1988 and evaluates the present Board of Social Communication (Conselho de Comunicação Social) against the background of its proposed objective: a democracy based on the right to communicate. In the first chapter, I describe the expectations and the results of the constitutionmaking process, underlining the firm belief of some of the delegates to the Constituent Assembly of 1987 on the democratic potential of communication technologies. I focus on the interaction between broadcasting and the State. Emphasis is given to the industrys opinion regarding the three powers of the Republic. I show how it was possible to appeal to a new right, the right to communicate, in order to advance democracy in communication. Finally, I address the tension between separation of powers and the lobby of the broadcasting industry. My focus is the disagreement regarding the proposal of creating a board with an clear agenda of pursuing democracy in communication In the second chapter, I address the reality of the Social Communication Board, an organization created in accordance to the final text of the Constitution of 1988. It is not difficult to conclude that the real Board is far from what the delegates had in mind. Instead of a regulator, an almost irrelevant body is to be found. The option for a Board devoid of all relevant competence not only illustrates the limiting effect of all following legislation, but also indicates that the Board may have been captured by the same interests which dismissed its necessity during the Constituent Assembly. The work concludes that the difference between what the Social Communication Board was supposed to be and what it actually is is itself an evidence of the contradictory character of the Constitution. Thus, the Board is itself an evidence of the tame Constitution that affirms democratic principles while preventing its effectiveness.


direito constitucional história da constituição de 1988 comunicação social

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