A concepção de um software de matemática para auxiliar na aprendizagem dos alunos da primeira série do ensino médio no estudo das funções exponenciais e logarítmicas / The conception of a mathematics software to help the students learning of the haigh school first class during the study of exponential end logarithm function.




This research job has as goal to think up a Mathematics Educational Software for the high school students. The developed questions in this software have as goal to help in the learning of exponential and logarithm functions that will provide the users with informations that will contribute to the development of the planned activities. Our main focus is the student , thus his insertion in a computerized environment opens up one more option to his learning. The development of the software utilized, as basis, researches involving teachers of Elementary School and High School from private and public schools of São Paulo state. The main theme of the investigation was the difficulty that the students present on the comprehension of the exponential and logarithm functions. This research job hunts for an answer for the following inquiry: At which measure the software utilization as teaching tool of the Mathematics contents, related on exponential and logarithm functions, may contribute to the students learning? The activities were thought up based on the needs of the students identified during the research teachers. The software application promoted, in the students, a positive attitude in relation to the solutions of the proposals questions.


softwares educacionais software função learning programas de computadores educational software exponenciais functions matemática computer programs educação matemática logaritmos exponential and logarithms matematica software matemática - estudo e ensino matemática - ensino com auxílio do computador aprendizagem mathematics

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