A coesão temporal na constituição do discurso do narrar na lenda indígena




The present work has the purpose of characterizing, linguistic and discursively, the genre ?indian legends? to subsidize teacher?s job in the classroom, in the teachinglearning process in portuguese language. A language didactic that works with literary genres as a learning device is of fundamental importance in order that we can pass from the structural approach to a text analysis that, from the concept of production, emphasizes the dialogic and social character of language (BAKHTIN, 1995). Our approach is based on theoretical concepts and methodological ways such as those proposed by sociodiscursive interacionism (BRONCKART,2003; 2006) and on the didactic treatment of teaching devices as conceived by the language didactics of Geneva University (DOLZ E SCHNEUWLY, 1999; DOLZ et al, 2004), having Vigotsky as reference and with a dialectic approach to psychological phenomena. These theoretical and methodological foundations provides categories to analyze and describe that can constitute a didactic model of the genre, from which the teacher can generate didactic sequences that imply the legitimity and pertinence principles, as well as the solidarity effect as recommended by the authors of ISD, as it provides potential objects to teaching. Analysis are applied to a corpus constituted by indian legends that explain the beginnings of historic cities or important geographic accidents in Paraná. The relations between the genre ? as social locus of text structurarion ? and the textual infrastructure, where is located the global plan of the text and the kind of speech prevailing in the genre; after we focus in one of the textualization mechanism ? verbal cohesion ? what permits us to conclude that this mechanism is the most important one as concerns the thematic coherence in the textual genres in which Narration is the prevailing speech. The study shows that ?indian legends? have particular contextual, discursive and linguistic characteristics that make of this textual genre a megainstrument to the development of language abilities of students, but can also constitute an instrument to social inclusion as they contribute to recover ethnic and cultural aspects of the indian people, what is coherent with the PCN and PCNEM as regards the valorization and preservation of cultural identity. The study also points to the applicability of genre as an instrument to deal with interdisciplinarity, as PCNs and PCNEM suggest.


gêneros textuais socio-discursive interactionism text genres text genres internacionalismo sócio-discursivo

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