A coesão por conectores no português medieval


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The objective of this research is to investigate the cohesive mechanisms byconnectors in medieval Portuguese. We started from the assumption that themedieval Portuguese had different cohesive elements than in modern language,although they belong to a group of words rather prone to changes. Vulgar Latindiscarded almost all of the diverse conjunctions, and thus, the Portuguese initialphase is a scene of an intense process of forming new connection terms, whichresulted in a new group of connectors from adverbs, prepositions and other words or phrases. The study of the way the cohesion happened in an Portuguese earlierphase could serve as a support to modern theories, because the historical basisoften contributes to understand contemporary phenomena. Moreover, this analysismay support the hermeneutics of archaic writings, which often present theconstruction of meaning hampered by the temporal distance between text andreader. Many authors hold up the importance of knowing the cohesion mechanisms to facilitate textual interpretation and construction of coherence by users. The principle that the cohesion should focus on the text construction mechanisms, and not only grammatical categories, distinguishes textual cohesion from compound sentences grammar. This justify the choice of cohesion as a prism of analysis.Initially, we organized a theoretical basis about cohesion connectors,focusing on the proposals that most contribute to this research. Then, we did ahistorical study of the formation of both the Portuguese language and the majority of its connectors, which in Vulgar Latin were very scarce. Finally, using the medieval texts we examined how the semantic and discursive relations occur within the parts of medieval texts. Besides focusing on the cohesive mechanisms, we observed the connectors in use in ancient times and their relationship with the genre.


língua portuguesa - gramática gêneros textuais análise do discurso língua portuguesa - semântica portuguese language grammar textual genre discourse analysis portuguese language semantics

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