A cidadania em John Locke / John Locke, citizenship, political philosophy




The present work aims to understand citizenship in John Locke. Through the analysis of state of nature, property theory and the establishment of the conditions that take the men to the elaboration of compact of the civil society, we want to understand the arguments of the political philosophy of Locke under two distinct readings regarding citizenship. One reading has the base of equality of political power in estate of nature and its maintenance when the establishment of civil society would cause the isonomy of rights and duties of the citizens. However, the other understands that there is differentiation of political rights between the men. This differentiation would be based on distinct elements of orders, such as the maintenance of economic-political interests and the differentiated use of reason, thought on lockean theological moral scope. Both readings find endorsement in the philosopher work who excite the occurrence of ambiguities which involves not only its political thought but also its interprets. To understand this ambiguity, we use a contextualization of the author and work that allows saying that there is the differentiation of the citizenship, but that it is occurs from a difficult political project of social stabilization which require ambiguous approach. The main idea of this dissertation is, considering citizenship, to establish a starting point in order to understand the ambiguities on Locke s political thought. A philosopher that is possible to attribute, in the same time, a character civic humanist and possessive individualism


political philosophy cidadania citizenship filosofia politica

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