A Cena da dança enquanto ação socioeducativa: um foco no corpo do jovem em privação de liberdade.




The transformation that has taken place in contemporary dance, in the past years, has allowed its professionals to forsee the teaching of teaching of this discipline as a reflective action, constructing it as a praxis, that connects the objective of the subjective dimensions of the subject in its teaching/learning process. The study of corporeity, in this context, can situate a responsive body, that challenges the static representations imbricated in the social behavior and see how these ideologies have a profound influence in our daily experiences. This research, through the teaching of dance, looked for the cultural elements inserted in the process of social identification of the adolescent in conflict with the law. Its bases were set on concepts that are inherent to the change of values, principles and ideologies of the contemporary world, to the sociocultural representations of the body, to the legal pedagogic project accomplished in a socioeducative measure of internment and to the teaching-learning context in dance. For this research a four-month workshop was held, having as its focus the artistic-educative process. Eleven adolescents that were deprived of freedom attended them. It took place at the Comunidade de Atendimento Socioeducativo, in Simões Filho, a unit that belongs to the Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente do Governo do Estado da Bahia. A qualitative approach was developed, focusing desconstructivist aspects that allowed the integration of several points of view about the same matter interfering and suggesting different ways of learning. As a result, it was perceived that the educative action in dance that establishes connections between internal and external spaces, also functions as a link between the adolescent and the external world, setting up differentiated codes from those relating to the origin of the delinquency and affirmer of stigma.


dança sócioeducação identificação teatro corpo

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