A auditoria e o mercado acionário latino-americano: casos Brasil, Argentina e Colômbia / The auditor and the Latin American stock market: cases of Brazil, Argentina and Colombia


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The strength of a stock market is related to transparency and reliability of all information available for its users. In this sense, both the auditor and his work, which is disseminated through the auditing reports, become the guarantee of the economical reality from all publicly traded companies. However, in Latin America reality (especially in Brazil, Colombia and Argentina), the impact of the Auditor and his reports still has not been verified upon the stock markets. Hence, this present job aims to respond to the lack of studies stating the relationship between Auditing and Stock markets in Latin America. The analysis is done through a event study, evaluating what is the auditing report effect upon the prices of stocks from the main publicly traded companies in Brazilian stock market (Bolsa de valores, Mercadorias e Futuros BM&FBovespa), Colombian stock market (Bolsa de valores de Colombia BVC) and Argentine stock market (Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires BCBA). In particular, two studies are carried out, one univariable and the other multivariable, in order to test the hypothesis. In Brazilian and Argentine cases, the study covers the period from 2000 until 2007. In the first case, the disclosure of the modified auditing reports, considering public companies of the BM&FBovespa Stock Exchange, does not affect their stock price. On the contrary, in Argentine case, an opposite result is obtained: the auditing reports impact on BCBA Stock Exchange; specifically, the disclosure of modified auditing reports has a negative effect on stock prices. Finally, for the Colombian stock market, a study period from 2001 until 2007 is utilized. In Colombian case, similar results to those reported from Brazilian analysis are obtained. The contribution of this thesis is to evaluate and quantify the role of the auditor in the countries mentioned above and, indirectly, the use of the auditor\ s report as way to disseminate Auditing information.


argentina argentina auditor s report bolsas de valores brasil brazil colombia colômbia mercado acionário modelo de regressão regression model relatório de auditoria stock exchange stock market

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