A atuação do professor na construção do conhecimento dos estudantes durante o processo tutoral no Curso de Medicina da UESB: a visão do professor-tutor.




This work relates the understanding of the tutor professors of Medicine Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), concerning the knowledge construction during the tutorial process in the Learning Based on Problem Methodology (ABP) also known as Problem-Based Learning (PBL), used for this course. For this purpose, investigative resources provided by the qualitative research were used, with the accomplishment of open interviews. The professors answer analysis collected during the interviews disclosed elements on the understanding that they possess regarding the construction of the knowledge during the tutorial process in the Medicine Course of UESB. Thus, the professors appreciation in relation to the regarding aspects of knowledge construction, pupil learning, evaluation and difficulties found during the tutorial process was observed. Therefore, it was tried to relate these aspects to the knowledge construction having as reference the significant learning of Ausubel, the transforming education of Paulo Freire, and the constructivism of Piaget.


tutoria learning aprendizagem. educacao construção do conhecimento tutoring teaching knowledge construction learning based on problem methodology (abp) aprendizagem baseada em problemas (abp)

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