A atuação do estado na implantação do direito à saúde




The right to health assistance was recognized as a basic right of the human being by the "Man Declaration of Rights", in 1946, and since then, the diffusion of the Promotion to the Health has gone through some phases and it was implemented with the creation of several systems. In the first phase, what was objectified was the cure of diseases, later on, the preventive actions started to be privileged, which in Brazil, intensified from the promulgation of the National Health Code in 1961. From the Federal Constitution in 1967 on, the assistential covering started being privileged. By influence of the Letter of Ottava, in 1986 and aiming at the development of the Promotion of Health, fields of activity were determined to be used as feasible mechanisms, such as: the implementation of Public Politics, the creation of favorable environment, the reinforcement of popular participation, the personal qualification of the individuals, the stimulaton of cooperation among peoples, the reduction of social differences, and the reorganization of health systems and health services for adequacy towards the social realities, focused on the accomplishment of worthy life conditions to each individual. In Brazil, the process of assistential expansion consolidated in the Federal Constitution in 1988, with occurrence of the deconcentration and decentralization of health services, with assistance reduction, a larger state regulation and universalization of the assistance


direito a saude -- brasil sistema unico de saude -- brasil the right to health filosofia saude publica -- brasil direito à saúde

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