A atuaÃÃo de organizaÃÃes nÃo-governamentais na governanÃa ambiental da AmazÃnia: o caso da ONG FASE no municÃpio paraense de GurupÃ




This dissertation analyzes one of the aspects of the environmental governance in the Amazonian region: the performance of NGOs in municipal scale, more specifically in communities of the municipal district of GurupÃ, in the state of ParÃ. Starting from a critical vision of the historical-economical formation of the Amazonian area, as form of understanding the relationship between civil society and political society, the focus of this work is centered in the analysis of the NGO FASEâs (FederaÃÃo de ÃrgÃos para AssistÃncia Social e Educacional) performance in the context of the social movements, with prominence in the environmentalist. With support in the literature regarding the process of evolution of NGOs, the objective of this research is to identify the actions developed by FASE in GurupÃâs communities, as well as the partnership process between this NGO and other local actors, towards environmental sustainability. The basic question to be answered is if the riverine communities of Gurupà are, more strengthened for the process of environmental governance, and if they have more autonomy in relation to the performance and consultantship of the NGO. For so much, with the objective to analyze the actors perception in relation to the performance of FASE, interviews were accomplished with local (public power, representatives of the Church and rural workers union) actors, as well as applied questionnaires to teachers that work with the rural communities where FASE supported the development of projects. Based on the analyzes of those information, it was possible to conclude that the FASEâs performance of have promoted many opportunities and access to government s environmental programs to the communities of GurupÃ; also this NGO reached that this communities have been protagonists of the implantation.


polÃtica ambiental â gurupà (pa); gestÃo ambiental; movimentos sociais â gurupà (pa); organizaÃÃes nÃo-governamentais gestÃo ambiental polÃtica ambiental â gurupà (pa) organizaÃÃes nÃo-governamentais movimentos sociais â gurupà (pa) planejamento ambiental e comportamento humano

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