A armadilha do subdesenvolvimento: uma discussão do período desenvolvimentista brasileiro sob a ótica da abordagem da complexidade / The trap of underdevelopment: a discussion of Brazilian developmentalist period from the perspective of complexity approach


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This thesis presents as main question why Brazil, even having developed its industrial park and having achieved high rates of growth between 1930 and 1980, was unable to escape from the trap of economic underdevelopment. In order to list some ways that could potentially enrich the thinking and the understanding of the question, this inquiry is based on the perspective of Complexity thinking combined with the resumption of theoretical contributions of some authors known as economic development pioneers. Thus, the core of this thesis lies in the perspective by which accomplishes the theme discussion, not in the theme itself, which was and is being widely discussed by the literature. The aim is the achievement of some theoretical considerations and discussions about Brazilian experience in the period, always keeping in mind the Complexity thinking and its potential contribution to broaden the theme comprehension.


complexidade complexity desenvolvimento econômico economic development subdesenvolvimento underdevelopment

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