A aposentadoria é tempo de lazer e mudanças na família um estudo sobre a percepção da aposentadoria, hábitos de lazer e a relação com a família




This study aims to investigate habits related to leisure time, peoples self-perception regarding their retirement, leisure social networks and the changes occurred in the family of the urban retired person. The study surveyed 43 people, men and women, who have complementary private pension, and take part in two elders peoples associations of two companies with distinct economic activities. The empiric places were COELBAs retired persons association, and BANEBs retired employees association, because those associations congregate retired people with similar profiles regarding their labour rights and wages. In a first phase, a questionnaire with checking boxes and written answers was used in order to collect the data. In a second phase, six surveyed people were carefully asked questions about their social and leisure networks at different times of their lives, before and after their retirement, so that their families role could be identified in the network. The analysis of the date showed that most of the retired peoples free time is used in leisure and semi-leisure activities with their families, reinforcing a more centralized companionship in the extended family circle with son-in-laws, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren favouring inter-managerial relationships and reducing the range of the extra-family network relationships, which leads to an increase in the selection of the relationships. There is a decrease in their willingness to take up new interests related to leisure activities. Extra-family leisure activities also decrease and they tend to consolidate old friendships. In addition, new ones are only made inside the groups during leisure activities where an intra-managerial relationship is established. However, a more helpful attitude could be noticed both towards their family members and their friends, leading to the emergence of a parental solidarity and/or a pro-social behaviour. That convergence in the aggregate dynamics through leisure activities leads to a new self-image of the retired persons, based on the freedom of having spare time, which reflects in changes in the family and in their lifestyle during retirement.


lazer leisure envelhecimento tempo livre family retirement economia do bem-estar social família aposentadoria aging spare time

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