A aplicação do Gerenciamento de Riscos nas PMEs na cidade de São Bernardo do Campo




This study analyzes the risk management in the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in São Bernardo do Campo City. The analysis of the risk management has improved importance and can strongly contribute to the continuity of business. The capability to management business risk and avoid uncertainties with future value is a great factor for competitive advantage. This process of risk assessment permite discipline and administrate skills of business risk and creates value. The Risk Methodologies normaly are aplied to big companies. Examine the level of utility for any SMEs in São Bernardo City is a motivation for this search.This study adopts literature review and explore research sampled companies. After interviews, we performed a qualitative that conjugates with and the analysis of Cases Study Methodology. Finally, we conclude that all sampled companies can benefit from the risk management search and can get important benefits to implant skills of the risk management. It is important to note that all the researched companies possess more 10 years of existence and consider risk management as important to control the continuity of their business.


gerenciamento de riscos empresariais plano de continuidade dos negócios administracao riscos

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