A abordagem da temática velhice nos livros didáticos de língua portuguesa direcionados à 1. série do ciclo I do ensino fundamental




For judging imperative the development of pedagogical actions that meet the aspects relative to old age, aiming the valuation of the elderly in our society as well as considering the school a privileged space for that, it gets important to check if it has made the construction of values which promote the formation of an appropriate image of old age possible or, if, on the contrary, it has acted as reinforcer and maintainer of stereotypes. The proposed way for this check was to focus the didactic books which may be used in Portuguese classes and from their analysis, answer and reflect on two questions fruit of this research: do these books contemplate the subject matter old age? If so, in which direction is this done: valuating the old age or not? So, this present study set out to check if and how the subject matter old age is approached in Portuguese didactic books recommended with distinction (RD) by the National Program of the Didactic Book (PNLD) and addressed to the students of the first year of elementary school of public schools of the state of São Paulo. The guide of PNLD of 2004 was used for the selection of five books which received from the Program the mention "recommended with distinction" (RD), addressed to the first year of elementary school. This choice is justified by the fact that the books met the classifying criteria of the Program, this way being rated for presenting "didactic-editing proposals with quality level close to excellence", according to the Guide of Didactic Books (2004), making an investigation of documental basis about the subject matter old age possible. The quantitative analysis explored the data of incidence of vocables referring to the subject matter old age in the texts and illustrations. The qualitative analysis gave emphasis to the different ways of approach of the subject matter old age. The analysis of the data showed that the collections do not contemplate the subject matter old age as object of teaching, and, in general, they do not favor the construction of its positive image, they just link to other subject matters. You conclude it is necessary to enlarge, to go deeper and reflect on the construction of knowledge of the subject matter old age in the school scope


livros didaticos -- brasil old age velhice psicologia educacional velhice idosos -- estatuto legal, leis, etc envelhecimento

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