Prostituição infantil e juvenil: uma análise psicossocial do discurso de depoentes da CPI




This research is linked to the Nucleus of Psychosocial Studies of Exclusion Inclusion (NEXIN) of the Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP) and was aimed at studying the meaning of infant and juvenile prostitution (IJP) found in the discourse of testifiers at the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (PCI), established to investigate responsabilities for the exploitation of infant and juvenile prostitution. According to the objectieves of this study, 41 shorthand-written testemonies of the total 102 were select at the PCI for anlysis, which used as references Vygotskys reflections on language and the research carried out by the NEXIN on the exclusion inclusion dialectic. It also dialogued with Thompsons proposal on methodology. The bibliographic examination revealed the frailness of knowlwdge in this area, the struggle to confirm and build the profile of JIP, the little emphasis given on psychosocial studies and the presence of na ideological discourse which excludes and marginalizes povertystricken children, adolescentes and families. The analysis of the testimonies reveals the multiplicity of conceptions of childhood, adolescence, sexuality, prostitution, family,etc. In addition, the analysis of subtext made it possible to detect a movement that accuses, stigmatizes and tries to moralize especially through the regulation of sexuality and throug work the povertystricken Brasilian childhood/adolescence. Elements of discourse also allow na understanding of how impoverished children/adolescents are perversely inclued in a social order that generates feelings of individual or familial guilt through exclusion and also how the meanings attributed to IJP reflect the ethicalpolitical dimension of this society, whose social structures are burdened with severe tensions


psicologia social prostituicao juvenil -- brasil sexualidade juvenil comissão parlamentar de inquérito sexualidade infantil

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