Os alunos de 5 série/6 ano frente a atividades sobre abservação e generalização de padrões




This work reports a research which aim was to investigate whether and how 5th series/ 6th year of elementary school students are sensitized by and create strategies to solve situations involving the perception and generalization of patterns. Mason (1996), Vale &Pimentel (2005), Radford, Bardini &Sabena (2007) and Machado (2006) works gave the main base for the research. For the investigation it was created and applied a didactic sequence, inspired by stages of the methodology of Didactic Engineering as reported by Machado (2002). The a posteriori analysis was a multidimensional: analysis of the protocols, audio and video. The experiments involved 33 students from a public school in the suburb of Sao Paulo. It was concluded that pupils were sensitized by the subject, and had appropriate of the considered problems. So, pupils showed capacity of to observe, to analyze, to recognize and to express a sequence pattern, in addition to express the generality symbolically, in explicit or implicit way, either by verbal or written speech, by actions, by gestures, by signs or by rhythms


educacao matematica Álgebra teaching of algebra ensino da álgebra matematica alunos do ensino fundamental mathematical education algebraic thinking elementary education students pensamento algébrico matematica -- estudo e ensino

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