O fogo não está morto: engenhos de rapadura do Cariri cearense como uma referência cultural na perspectiva das políticas públicas do último quartel do século XX


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aims to contribute some thoughts and questions about the recognition as intangible heritage, the knowledge and practices in the production of rapadura in the context of the remaining sugar cane mills from the Cariri Region(distant 575 km from Fortaleza, Ceará), detaching the work of the rapadura masters and their traditional techniques. This study addresses the permanence of the masters of the craft in the sugar mills of the region during the operation, for almost thirty years, of Usina Manoel Costa Filho, inaugurated in Barbalha in 1976, bringing the discussion of public policies developed in the last quarter of the twentieth century and their contributions to the continuity of knowledge which is reproduced in the environment of the mills from the Cariri since the first half of the eighteenth century


cariri (ce) história teses. história teses. engenhos teses. rapadura teses. interpretação do patrimônio natural e cultural teses. políticas públicas teses.

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