Mulheres à beira de um ataque de nervos: a sobrecarga de funções femininas - uma questão de gênero


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research was done in an ONG located in a city in central-western of Sao Paulo State. It s goal was to realize how the female identity was built in it s original family and how they live their woman function in their present family. The specific goals were: to think about principIes in the construction of the female identity, how women notice themselves. The interest by this text came because of mothers complaint about their lives. They must work to survive and after that they need to do a lot of housework at home. Four mothers with children between 5 and 10 years old participated in this research. They were alphabetized and hired. They were from 22 and 42 years old. The method used was based in the qualitative research. Under the focus of social constructionism those assumptions were derived from conversational exchan,ges in which meanings are socially constructed and language is understood in its active character is considered a social practice, constituent of the reality. To achieve the objective instruments were used such as: History Life, Reflection Group, Focal Group. It is showed as results work overload, insufficient wages to keep family and answer the unexpected even:ts of life. They work in their jobs for 46 hours per week and then for doing housework they spend, on average, 20 hours per week. These data are in accordance with Brazilian demographic surveys. It was also showed by the survey the lack of dialogue with their original family about sex education. They know that they are doing the same with their children


psicologia identidade feminina gênero afazeres domésticos sobrecarga de trabalho construcionismo social female identity gender issue housework work overload social constructionism

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