Mortalidade por causas externas no Estado do Cearà em 2000: DistribuiÃÃo e fatores causais




Objectives: To analyze the mortality due to external causes in adolescents in the state of Cearà in 2000 and to review the literature about itâs causal factors. Method: the information was collected from indexed scientific journals, books and internet sites, in the areas of medicine, psychology, sociology and economy. An ecologic study was realized with adolescents living in Cearà in 2000, analyzing: mortality coefficient, mortality coefficient by age, mortality coefficient for external causes, proportional mortality for external causes, composition of the mortality for external causes. The social exclusion index (SEI) was used to characterize the cities from the socioeconomic point of view. The information about population were provided by the 2000 census. The mortality information were provided by the mortality information system of ministry of health. Results: The mortality coefficient for external causes among adolescents was 32,9/100000 inhabitants. The proportional mortality due to external causes was 56,6%. Among the deaths due to external causes, 36,6% were due to homicides, 30,6% to traffic accidents, 5,6% to suicides, 26,7% to other violences. Conclusions: External causes were the main cause of death among adolescents in Cearà in 2000; homicides were the most frequent type of external cause. To reduce the mortality due to external causes in adolescents it is necessary to integrate professional of different fields. The health professional must identify adolescents at risk and adopt preventive measures


pediatria mortalidade - cearÃ

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