Literatura infantil e cultura hipermidiática: relações sócio-históricas entre suportes textuais, leitura e literatura / Childrens literature and hypermedia culture: historical and sociological connections between text supports, reading and literature




Based on the theoretic-methodological panel of the Comparative Literature in Portuguese, this work studies the relation between literature and society and how Brazilian childrens literature has being influenced by new media (hypermedia). The similarity between text support and practices of reading and writing is very clear through History. The computer and Internet are responsible for the emergence of new book supports that changed the practice of reading and writing. Nowadays hypermedia has three major characteristics: dialogue between different codes, hypertextuality and interactivity. The books used to confirm this work are: A interminável Chapeuzinho (Angela Lago), the cyberpoem Chá (Sérgio Capparelli), Princesas esquecidas ou desconhecidas... (Philippe Lechermeier) and Todos contra D@nte (Luís Dill).


hipermídia literatura infantil/juvenil práxis de leitura childrens literature hypermedia praxis of reading

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