Ideal currency and possible currency in Brazil, in the meanwhile from XIX to XX century / Moeda e desenvolvimento no Brasil, na passagem para o Seculo XX




Present work objective is congregate elements that contribute for a currency analysis by historical perspective, with sights to understand as national currency was functional for economic development of Brazil in constitution s period of capitalist productive forces. Focusing period of ticket of century XIX for century XX, it uses bibliographical research to identify structural references of this transition s period for the Process of Capitalist Production, searching to evidence contradictions placed to managers of monetary politics in relation between currency and development. Making to emerge the thought of significant authors in the national economic policy of the period - Paula Mayrink (1881), Rui Barbosa (1890), Joaquin Murtinho (1890), I land on water Cavalcanti Soares de Brito (1893); João Pandiá Calógeras (1910); Leopoldo Bulhões (1914), Ramalho Ortigão (1914); Carlos Inglez de Souza (1924), Saucers of the River (1925) -, in it s distinct understanding on currency and it s relation with national development. Finishing, the study it suggests placing question of currency in development ticket for century XX, in a historical perspective from a referential of marxist analysis


currency economic development desenvolovimento economico moeda - brasil

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