(Re)leituras de Manoel Bonfim: a escrita da história do Brasil e o ser negro na passagem do século XIX para o XX


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




he research developed for the building of this thesis reflects the (Re) readings of Manoel Bomfim: the writing of the history of Brazil and of the black people in the turn of the 19th to the 20th century, based on his text Latin America: Maladies of the Origin. The outstanding issue in the research was discussing in which ways images are built for the history of Brazil and for the being a black Brazilian person from the writings of Bomfim. We sustain that Manoel Bomfim must not be understood as a forgotten thinker in the Brazilian social thinking, but rather as a singular and ingenious interpreter of the history of Brazil. To do so, we identify how the writings of Manoel Bomfim contributed to the making of the image of identities in Brazil, in the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. Bomfim kept aside of the intellectual thinking of his moment when he defended that social relations established among white people, black people and Indians were unequal, making it impossible to analyze peoples with diverse culture and education from an equal perspective. Thus, this work has three main aims: a) discuss the life trajectory of Manoel Bomfim and how he built his image in the Brazilian social way of thinking; b) point out discourse based on racial inferiority from Silvio Romero, Nina Rodrigues and Jornal do Commercio (Business Newspaper); c) investigate Bomfims narratives and the construction of an image to black people, which intended to escape the theory of the innate incapacity of black people, of education as a tool for social transformation and as a means to nourish equality. Manoel Bomfims production allows us to think of identity formation stemming from solidarity, freedom and equality, breaking up with discourse based on theories of racial inferiority fashionable at his time. The writings of Bomfim were produced at a time of transition in the Brazilian society; it is possible to notice such tension in them, which did not invalidate them as the counter-discourse of his time and place


historia manoel bomfim identidades história do brasil identities the history of brazil

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